Book of abstracts of the 8th European Progresses towards reaching GSPC target 8 by the Spanish network of Seedbanks (REDBAG) and the Ibero-macaronesian Botanic Gardens Association (AIMJB) / Felpete, J.I., Vincens, M., Bueno, A., Porras, I., Agut, A.,Estrelles, E., Torres, E., Vega, E., Elices, E., Herrera, F., Garmendia, J., Roca, A., Aixart, M., Lasso, B.



Felpete, J.I., Vincens, M., Bueno, A., Porras, I., Agut, A.,Estrelles, E., Torres, E., Vega, E., Elices, E., Herrera, F., Garmendia, J., Roca, A., Aixart, M., Lasso, B., 2018. Book of abstracts of the 8th European Progresses towards reaching GSPC target 8 by the Spanish network of Seedbanks (REDBAG) and the Ibero-macaronesian Botanic Gardens Association (AIMJB), 102-103. Lisboa.

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