Long-term dietary change in Atlantic and Mediterranean Iberia with the introduction of agriculture: a stable isotope perspective / Miriam Cubas, Rita Peyroteo-Stjerna, Maria Fontanals-Coll, Laura Llorente-Rodríguez, Alexandre Lucquin, Oliver Edward Craig, André Carlo Colonese. -- [S.l.]: Spinger, 2018.

The Neolithic expansion in the Iberian Peninsula is marked by the introduction of livestock and domesticated crops whichmodified subsistence strategies in an unprecedented manner. Bulk collagen stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis has beenessential to track these changes, which have largely been discussed in relation to particular geographic areas or single casestudies. This paper reviews the available isotope literature to provide a regional, long-term synthesis of dietary changes associatedwith the expansion of the Neolithic and the establishment of farming economy in the Iberian Peninsula. Bulk collagen stablecarbon and nitrogen isotope values of 763 human individuals and 283 faunal remains from the Mesolithic to the Late Neolithicperiod in Iberia (ca.8000–3000 cal BC) were collated and analysed using a Bayesian mixing model. The results show thatMesolithic diets were isotopically diverse in both the Atlantic and Mediterranean regions of the Iberian Peninsula, and that asignificant decrease in variability happened with the Neolithisation, culminating with the establishment of farming economiesand reliance on terrestrial resources in the Late Neolithic.

Cubas, M., Peyroteo-Stjerna, R., Fontanals-Coll, M., Llorente-Rodríguez, L., Lucquin, A., Edward Craig, O., Colonese, A.C., 2018. Long-term dietary change in Atlantic and Mediterranean Iberia with the introduction of agriculture: a stable isotope perspective. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(8),3825-3836. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-018-0752-1

Bulk collagen
Iberian Peninsula
Palaeodietary reconstructions
Stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes

Artículo científico
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