Roman Monroig, Dídac
¿Últimos mesolíticos o pioneros neolíticos? El Abrigo de la Font d’Horta (Vilafranca, Castelló, País Valenciano) / Last mesolithics or first neolithics? Font d’Horta Rockshelter (Vilafranca, Castelló, Valencian Country) Dídac Roman, Inés Domingo. -- Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2022. - pp. 35-45 - 2022 - 73 . (Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia).
En este trabajo presentamos los materiales recuperados en la excavación del abrigo de la Font d’Horta (Vilafranca, Castelló). Las características de estos materiales, entre las que destacan las armaduras geométricas (entre ellas un segmento de doble bisel) y la datación obtenida sobre hueso, nos remiten a los momentos de transición entre las últimas poblaciones cazadoras y recolectoras y la llegada de las primeras comunidades neolíticas. La valoración de los datos en el contexto de la zona del Maestrat/Maestrazgo y sus vínculos con el litoral mediterráneo y el valle del Ebro nos permiten discutir su posible vinculación con unas u otras poblaciones, concluyendo que nos encontramos ante una ocupación de las últimas poblaciones mesolíticas de este territorio. Lan honetan, Font d’Hortako (Vilafranca, Castelló) babeslekuko indusketatik berreskuratutako materialak azaltzen dira. Material horien ezaugarriak ikusita, ehiztarien eta biltzaileen azken populazioen eta lehen komunitate neolitikoen arteko trantsizio-unekoak direla ondoriozta dezakegu. Material horien artean, armadura geometrikoak (haien artean, alaka bikoitzeko segmentu bat) eta hezurretik lortutako datazioa nabarmendu behar ditugu. Datuak Maestrat/Maestrazgo eskualdeko testuinguruaren eta Mediterraneoko itsasertzarekin eta Ebro haranarekin dituen loturen arabera baloratzeak beste populazio batzuekin izan zezaketen harremana aztertzea ahalbidetu digu eta, ateratako ondorioen arabera, horixe litzateke eskualde hartako Mesolitoko azken populazioetako baten okupazio bat. In this paper we present the materials recovered in the excavation of the Font d’Horta rockshelter (Vilafranca, Castelló). This is a small shelter, about 3 meters long by 2 meters deep, in which an interesting ensemble of materials has been recovered that allow us to discuss the presence of either the last hunter-gatherer populations or the first farmer-herder populations. Among the recovered materials, the geometric projectiles stands out (including a double bevel segment, which is the center of the cultural and chronological debate in this paper) and the absence of pottery must be highlighted. Furthermore, few fauna remains and 3 personal ornaments on marine gastropods have been recovered. To confirm its ascription, we have obtained a bone dating with a result of 7570-7441 cal BP (5621-5492 cal BC). This dating, far from confirming its ascription, shows us that we are front a transitional context between the last Mesolithic and the arrival of the first Neolithic populations in this area. The assessment of the data in the context of the Maestrat / Maestrazgo area and its links with the Mediterranean coast and the Ebro valley allow us to discuss its possible connection with one of these populations. The analysis of the archaeological context show us the existence of several Mesolithic sites with dates close to that obtained in the Font d’Horta and the possibility that we are in a territory with an effective neolithization a bit later than the date obtained. These data, together with the lack of pottery in this site, allow us to conclude that we are facing an occupation of the last Mesolithic populations of this territory.
ISSN 1132-2217 eISSN 2172-4555
Neolítico antiguo
¿Últimos mesolíticos o pioneros neolíticos? El Abrigo de la Font d’Horta (Vilafranca, Castelló, País Valenciano) / Last mesolithics or first neolithics? Font d’Horta Rockshelter (Vilafranca, Castelló, Valencian Country) Dídac Roman, Inés Domingo. -- Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2022. - pp. 35-45 - 2022 - 73 . (Munibe Antropologia-Arkeologia).
En este trabajo presentamos los materiales recuperados en la excavación del abrigo de la Font d’Horta (Vilafranca, Castelló). Las características de estos materiales, entre las que destacan las armaduras geométricas (entre ellas un segmento de doble bisel) y la datación obtenida sobre hueso, nos remiten a los momentos de transición entre las últimas poblaciones cazadoras y recolectoras y la llegada de las primeras comunidades neolíticas. La valoración de los datos en el contexto de la zona del Maestrat/Maestrazgo y sus vínculos con el litoral mediterráneo y el valle del Ebro nos permiten discutir su posible vinculación con unas u otras poblaciones, concluyendo que nos encontramos ante una ocupación de las últimas poblaciones mesolíticas de este territorio. Lan honetan, Font d’Hortako (Vilafranca, Castelló) babeslekuko indusketatik berreskuratutako materialak azaltzen dira. Material horien ezaugarriak ikusita, ehiztarien eta biltzaileen azken populazioen eta lehen komunitate neolitikoen arteko trantsizio-unekoak direla ondoriozta dezakegu. Material horien artean, armadura geometrikoak (haien artean, alaka bikoitzeko segmentu bat) eta hezurretik lortutako datazioa nabarmendu behar ditugu. Datuak Maestrat/Maestrazgo eskualdeko testuinguruaren eta Mediterraneoko itsasertzarekin eta Ebro haranarekin dituen loturen arabera baloratzeak beste populazio batzuekin izan zezaketen harremana aztertzea ahalbidetu digu eta, ateratako ondorioen arabera, horixe litzateke eskualde hartako Mesolitoko azken populazioetako baten okupazio bat. In this paper we present the materials recovered in the excavation of the Font d’Horta rockshelter (Vilafranca, Castelló). This is a small shelter, about 3 meters long by 2 meters deep, in which an interesting ensemble of materials has been recovered that allow us to discuss the presence of either the last hunter-gatherer populations or the first farmer-herder populations. Among the recovered materials, the geometric projectiles stands out (including a double bevel segment, which is the center of the cultural and chronological debate in this paper) and the absence of pottery must be highlighted. Furthermore, few fauna remains and 3 personal ornaments on marine gastropods have been recovered. To confirm its ascription, we have obtained a bone dating with a result of 7570-7441 cal BP (5621-5492 cal BC). This dating, far from confirming its ascription, shows us that we are front a transitional context between the last Mesolithic and the arrival of the first Neolithic populations in this area. The assessment of the data in the context of the Maestrat / Maestrazgo area and its links with the Mediterranean coast and the Ebro valley allow us to discuss its possible connection with one of these populations. The analysis of the archaeological context show us the existence of several Mesolithic sites with dates close to that obtained in the Font d’Horta and the possibility that we are in a territory with an effective neolithization a bit later than the date obtained. These data, together with the lack of pottery in this site, allow us to conclude that we are facing an occupation of the last Mesolithic populations of this territory.
ISSN 1132-2217 eISSN 2172-4555
Neolítico antiguo