Humans, macromammals and microvertebrates during pleistocene and holocene in Praileaitz I cave ( Deba, northern Iberian Peninsula) / Naroa García-Ibaibarriaga, Jone Castaños, Aitziber Suárez-Bilbao, Pedro Castaños, Salvador Baillon, Xabier Peñalver, Sonia San José, José Antonio Mujika, Juan Rufes, Xabier Murelaga. -- Lisboa : Universidade, 2022. - pp. 45-60

Praileaitz I cave is located on the northern Iberian Peninsula and preserves a long sedimentary deposit spanning between 21 and 10 ka BP. Excavated since 2000, the use of the cave by humans seem to be different from other caves known in the Basque Country. The Lower Magdalenian singular anthropic remains suggests that this space would have been occupied most probably for worship activities instead of most common domestic purposes. The study of both macromammal and microvertebrate remains stresses the common use of this cave by both carnivores and avian predators.

Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, N., Castaños, J., Suarez-Bilbao, A., Castaños, P., Bailon, S., Peñalver, X., San José, S., Mujika, J.A., Rofes, J., Murelaga , X., 2022. Humans, macromammals and microvertebrates during Pleistocene and Holocene in Praileaitz I cave (Deba, northern Iberian Peninsula). In: Valente, M.J., Detry, C., Costa, C. (eds.), New trends inIberian Zooarchaeology, 45-60. Estudos & Memórias 19.


Cueva --uso
Paleolítico superior

Cordillera cantábrica

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