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How Do Hatcheries Influence Embryonic Development of Sea Turtle Eggs? Experimental Analysis and Isolation of Microorgamisms in Leatherback Turtle Eggs / Patiño-Martinez, J., Marco, A., Quiñones, L., Abella, E., Abad R.M., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J.

Contributor(s): Patiño-Martinez, Juan | Marco, A | Quiñones, L | Abella, E | Abad R.M | Diéguez-Uribeondo, J | Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea | .
Material type: materialTypeLabelComputer fileCitation: Patiño-Martinez, J., Marco, A., Quiñones, L., Abella, E., Abad R.M., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J. 2012. How Do Hatcheries Influence Embryonic Development of Sea Turtle Eggs? Experimental Analysis and Isolation of Microorgamisms in Leatherback Turtle Eggs. J. Exp. Zool.. 317: 47-54. Publisher: Wiley 2012Content type: Texto (visual) Media type: electrónico Genre/Form: Artículo científico
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Patiño-Martinez, J., Marco, A., Quiñones, L., Abella, E., Abad R.M., Diéguez-Uribeondo, J. 2012. How Do Hatcheries Influence Embryonic Development of Sea Turtle Eggs? Experimental Analysis and Isolation of Microorgamisms in Leatherback Turtle Eggs. J. Exp. Zool.. 317: 47-54.

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