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Quaternary research in Spain: Environmental Changes and Human Footprint / Alejandro Cearreta, Alvaro Arrizabalaga, Concepción de La Rua.

By: Cearreta, Alejandro, 1960-.
Contributor(s): Arrizabalaga, Álvaro, 1965- | Rua, Concha de la.
Material type: materialTypeLabelComputer fileCitation: Cearreta, A., Arrizabalaga, A., De la Rúa, C., 2020. Quaternary Research in Spain: Environmental Changes and Human Footprint. Quaternary International 566-567, 1-5. https://doi. org/10.1016/j.quaint.2020.09.002 Publisher: [S.l.]: Elsevier, 2020Content type: texto (visual) Media type: electrónico Genre/Form: Artículo científicoOnline resources: Click here to access online Summary: In July 2019, the 15th National Quaternary Meeting was held in Bilbao, under the general theme of “Environmental Changes and Human Footprint”. This congress of the Spanish Quaternary Research Association (AEQUA) was organised locally by the Quaternary Formation and Research Unit of the UPV/EHU and had the support of different organisations, as the Aranzadi Society of Sciences, the Archaeological Museum of Bilbao, the Basque Centre for Climate Change, the Basque Coast Geopark, the Geological Society of Spain and the Spanish Society of Geomorphology. This meeting was focused on the study of different sedimentary sequences located in continental and marine environments, and containing archaeopalaeontological evidences of interest to Geology, Anthropology and Prehistory specialists. These two volumes compile some of the scientific contributions presented as oral communications and panels in that meeting and together contain 26 papers dealing with different environmental settings, disciplines and methodologies within the Quaternary science.
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In July 2019, the 15th National Quaternary Meeting was held in Bilbao, under the general theme of “Environmental Changes and Human Footprint”. This congress of the Spanish Quaternary Research Association (AEQUA) was organised locally by the Quaternary Formation and Research Unit of the UPV/EHU and had the support of different organisations, as the Aranzadi Society of Sciences, the Archaeological Museum of Bilbao, the Basque Centre for Climate Change, the Basque Coast Geopark, the Geological Society of Spain and the Spanish Society of Geomorphology. This meeting was focused on the study of different sedimentary sequences located in continental and marine environments, and containing archaeopalaeontological evidences of interest to Geology, Anthropology and Prehistory specialists. These two volumes compile some of the scientific contributions presented as oral communications and panels in that meeting and together contain 26 papers dealing with different environmental settings, disciplines and methodologies within the Quaternary science.

Cearreta, A., Arrizabalaga, A., De la Rúa, C., 2020. Quaternary
Research in Spain: Environmental Changes and Human
Footprint. Quaternary International 566-567, 1-5. https://doi.

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