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The cave of Atxurra: A new major Magdalenian rock art sanctuary in Northern Spain / Diego Garate, Olivia Rivero, Joseba Ríos-Garaizar, Martin Arriolabengoa, Mª Ángeles Medina-Alcaide, Juan Francisco Ruiz-López, Iñaki Intxaurbe, Sergio Salazar, Iñaki Libano.

Contributor(s): Gárate Maidagán, Diego, 1976- | Rivero, Olivia | Rios Garaizar, Joseba, 1976- | Arriolabengoa, Martin, 1986- | Medina-Alcaide, Mª Ángeles | Ruiz López, Juan Francisco | Intxaurbe, Iñaki | Salazar Latorre, Sergio | Líbano, Iñaki.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookCitation: Garate, D., Rivero, O., Ríos-Garaizar, J., Arriolabengoa, M., Medina-Alcaide, M.A., Ruiz-López, J.F., Intxaurbe, I., Salazar, S., Libano, I., 2020. The cave of Atxurra: A new major Magdalenian rock art sanctuary in Northern Spain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102120. Publisher: [S.l.]: Elsevier, 2020Content type: texto (visual) Media type: electrónico Online resources: Click here to access online Summary: The discovery of Palaeolithic parietal art in the cave of Atxurra took place within an archaeological surveying project that has been carried out over the last decade in the eastern Cantabrian region. As a consequence of this project, the number of caves with parietal art known in this region has tripled. The case of Atxurra Cave is a remarkable contribution because of the number of parietal representations and the presence of a related external and internal archaeological context. Through this contribution, we present the main data derived from the cave study project that is currently underway, as well as its implications for the reformulation of symbolic interaction during the late Upper Palaeolithic.
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The discovery of Palaeolithic parietal art in the cave of Atxurra took place within an archaeological surveying project that has been carried out over the last decade in the eastern Cantabrian region. As a consequence of this project, the number of caves with parietal art known in this region has tripled. The case of Atxurra Cave is a remarkable contribution because of the number of parietal representations and the presence of a related external and internal archaeological context. Through this contribution, we present the main data derived from the cave study project that is currently underway, as well as its implications for the reformulation of symbolic interaction during the late Upper Palaeolithic.

Garate, D., Rivero, O., Ríos-Garaizar, J., Arriolabengoa, M., Medina-Alcaide, M.A., Ruiz-López, J.F., Intxaurbe, I., Salazar, S., Libano, I., 2020. The cave of Atxurra: A new major Magdalenian rock art sanctuary in Northern Spain. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 29, 102120.

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