Zubiaga, Guillermo ( 1972-)

Joanes or the Basque Whaler: 3. Priest of Pirates / a graphic novel by Guillermo Zubiaga -- Reno, Nevada : Center for Basque Studies, University of Nevada, [2013] - 34 p. : il. bl. y n.

Cub. tomada como port. En cub: The official journal of a basque in America The Flying whaleboat is a graphic novel set in the golden age of Basque Whaling. This is the third volume of a fictional epic tale scattered with Basque mythological references. Joanes, the protagonist, was inspired by the real-life whaler Joanes de Etxaniz from Orio, Gipuzkoa who died in Canada in 1584

ISBN 9781935709404

Cómic histórico
Cómic español e hispanoamericano
