Where to and what for? Mobility Patterns and the Management of Lithic Resources by Gravettian Hunter-Gatherers in the Western Pyrenees /
Arrizabalaga, A., Calvo, A., Elorrieta. I., Tapia, J., Tarriño, A.
-- University of New Mexico 6/2014
Arrizabalaga, A., Calvo, A., Elorrieta. I., Tapia, J., Tarriño, A. 2014. Where to and what for? Mobility Patterns and the Management of Lithic Resources by Gravettian Hunter-Gatherers in the Western Pyrenees. J. Anthropol. Res. 70: 233-261.
Flint Gravettian Lithic raw materials Mobility Pyrenees Territory Upper Paleolithic