Distribución, tendencia poblacional y parámetros reproductivos del Buitre leonado Gyps fulvus y del Alimoche Neophron percnopterus en Gipuzkoa / Distribution, population trends and reproductive parameters of the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Gipuzkoa. Olano, M., Vazquez, J., Aierbe, T., Ansorregi, F., Galdos, A., Ugarte, J., Hurtado, R., Beñaran, H., Urruzola, A., Arizaga, J. -- BArcelona: Institut Català d'Ornitologia, 2016.

The aim of the present article is to update knowledge of the distribution, population size and trends, and breeding parameters of the Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus in Gipuzkoa. The population of both species increased significantly during the period 1999–2016, from 49 to 240 breeding pairs in 2016 for the Griffon Vulture, and from 6 to 12 for the Egyptian Vulture. At the same time, an increase in the two species’ distribution was also detected. Breeding parameters are generally stable, with a mean productivity of 0.62 chicks/pair starting incubation in the Griffon Vulture, and 0.86 chicks/pair in the Egyptian Vulture. Thus, favorable trends are present in both populations, although their situation is still delicate owing to their small population sizes.

Olano, M., Vazquez, J., Aierbe, T., Ansorregi, F., Galdos, A., Ugarte, J., Hurtado, R., Beñaran, H., Urruzola, A., Arizaga, J. 2016. Distribución, tendencia poblacional y parámetros reproductivos del Buitre leonado Gyps fulvus y del Alimoche Neophron percnopterus en Gipuzkoa. Rev. Catalana d'Ornitologia 32:20-29.

breeding success
conservation biology
Egyptian vulture
Griffon vulture
population dynamics

Artículo científico