Exploring pottery use in the Southwestern Atlantic Europe: an approach from the organic residue analysis / Cubas, M., Lucquin, A., Colonese, A., Arias, P., Aubry, B., Billard, C., Diniz, M., Fábregas, R., Germain-Vallée, C., Jan, D., Juhel, L., de Lombera Hermida, A., Marchand, G., Marcigny, C., Mazet, S., Neves, C., Ontañón, R., Simões, T., Zilhão, J., Craig, O.


Cubas, M., Lucquin, A., Colonese, A., Arias, P., Aubry, B., Billard, C., Diniz, M., Fábregas, R., Germain-Vallée, C., Jan, D., Juhel, L., de Lombera Hermida, A., Marchand, G., Marcigny, C., Mazet, S., Neves, C., Ontañón, R., Simões, T., Zilhão, J., Craig, O., 2018. Exploring pottery use in the Southwestern Atlantic Europe: an approach from the organic residue analysis". XVIIIème Congrès de la UISPP. Union Internationales des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques. Paris, 4-9 Junio 2018.

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