Central Iberia in the middle MIS 3. Paleoecological inferences during the period 34–40 cal kyr BP / Nohemi Sala, Adrián Pablos, Asier Gómez-Olivencia, Alicia Sanz, Mónica Villalba, Ana Pantoja-Pérez, César Laplana,Juan Luis Arsuaga, Milagros Algaba. -- [S.l.]: Elsevier, 2020.


The environmental conditions that existed during the period between 45 and 30 ka are of vital importance for addressing the transition between the Middle and Upper Paleolithic. It seems to be a hiatus of Paleolithic populations, a “no (hu)man’s land” in Central Iberia, coinciding with the mid part of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 3, between 42 and 28 cal kyr BP. This break in the archaeological record makes it difficult to address this period paleoecologically. Here we present a new cave site, Portalón del Tejadilla (Segovia), dated to a period roughly between ∼34.2 and 40.4 cal kyr BP in which cold-adapted faunas, such as woolly rhinoceros and giant deer, have been recovered in a hyena den site context. This site is located in Central Iberia, and more specifically, on the southern edge of the northern Plateau, an unexpected region for the presence of these faunas during the MIS 3. These new findings extend the geographical distribution of several species, including Coelodonta antiquitatis and Megaloceros giganteus. Furthermore, they document a climatic deterioration (colder and dryer) during the mid MIS 3 in Central Iberia in one of the coldest and driest episodes of the Late Pleistocene. Portalón del Tejadilla fills this temporal gap and provides valuable paleoecological information about the transition between the Middle to Upper Paleolithic.

Sala, N., Pablos, A., Gómez-Olivencia, a., Sanz, A.,
Villalba, M., Pantoja-Pérez, A., Laplana, C., Arsuaga,
J.L., Algaba, M., 2020. “Central Iberia in the middle
MIS 3. Paleoecological inferences during the period
34–40 cal kyr BP”. Quaternary Science Reviews 228,
106027. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106027

Coelodonta antiquitatis
Megaloceros giganteous

Portalón del Tejadilla

Artículo científico