Local niches explain coexistence in environmentally‑distinct contact zones between Western Mediterranean vipers /
Inês Freitas, Pedro Tarroso, Óscar Zuazo, Ricardo Zaldívar, Javier Álvarez, Manuel Meijide‑Fuentes, Federico Meijide, Fernando Martínez‑Freiría .
-- [S.l.]: Scientific Reports, 2023.
Species’ ecological niches are frequently analysed to gain insights into how anthropogenic changes affect biodiversity. Coping with these changes often involves shifts in niche expression, which can disrupt local biotic interactions. Secondary contact zones, where competition and ecological segregation commonly occur, are ideal for studying the ecological factors influencing species’ niches. In this study, we investigated the effect of climate and landscape factors on the ecological niches of two viper species, Vipera aspis and Vipera latastei, across three contact zones in northern Iberia, characterized by varying levels of landscape alteration. Using niche overlap tests, ecological niche models and spatial analyses we observed local variation in the expression of the species’ niches across the three contact zones, resulting from the different abiotic and biotic conditions of each area. Rather than spatial niche segregation, we observed high niche overlap, suggesting niche convergence. A pattern of asymmetrical niche variation was identified in all contact zones, driven by species’ climatic tolerances and the environmental conditions of each area. V. aspis generally exhibited a wider niche, except in the southernmost zone where the pure Mediterranean climate favored V. latastei. maninduced landscape changes intensified niche asymmetry, by favoring the most generalist V. aspis over the specialist V. latastei, increasing habitat overlap, and likely competition. This study presents a comprehensive analysis of niche expression at range margins, anticipating a heightened impact of landscape changes in V. latastei. The methodological framework implemented here, and our findings, hold significant relevance for biodiversity management and conservation in human-impacted areas.
Freitas, I., Tarroso, P., Zuazo, O., Zaldívar, R., Álvarez, J., Mejide-Fuentes, M., Mejide, F., Martí nez-Freiría, F., 2023. Localniches explain coexistence in environmentally-disti nct contact zones between Western Mediterranean vipers. Scientific Reports 13, 21113. https://doi.org/10.1038/ s41598-023-48204-3