Un modelo de producción en gruta: el Alfar de Cabrera D´Anoia, Barcelona / PADILLA, José I.; ALVARO, Karen; TRAVÉ, Esther. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2008Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Reflexiones en torno a una Arqueología de la Guerra Civil: El caso de Laciana (León, España) / Alonso Gonzalez, Pablo.
by Alonso González, Pablo, 1985-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2008Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
El origen del lenguaje : la evidencia paleontológica = The origin of the language : the paleontological evidence / Ignacio Martinez Mendizabal, Juan Luis Arsuaga Ferreras
by Mendizábal y Martínez, Ignacio | Arsuaga, Juan Luis, 1954-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: The origin of the language : the paleontological evidence.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Yacimientos del Pleistoceno superior en la Península Ibérica con presencia de restos de oso = Upper Pleistocene sites in the Iberian Peninsula containing bear bones / Aritza Villaluenga
by Villaluenga, Aritza, 1981-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Upper Pleistocene sites in the Iberian Peninsula containing bear bones.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
El Chatelperroniense en la región cantábrica : Estado de la cuestión = Chatelperronian in Cantabrian Region : State of the matter / ANDRES HERRERO, María de Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Chatelperronian in Cantabrian Region : State of the matter.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
El gravetiense de la cueva de Alkerdi (Urdax, Navarra) : análisis y contexto de su industria lítica = The Gravettian of Akerdi cave (Urdax, Navarra) analysis and context of the lithic industry / Ana Cava, Irantzu Elorrieta, Ignacio Barandiaran.
by Cava, Ana | Elorrieta, Irantzu | Barandiarán, Ignacio, 1937-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: The Gravettian of Akerdi cave (Urdax, Navarra) analysis and context of the lithic industry.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Les gravettiens des Pyrénées : Des armes aux sociétes = Los gravetienses de los Pirineos : De las armas a las sociedades = The gravettians of Pyrenees : From Weapons to societes / SIMONET, Aurélien Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Los gravetienses de los Pirineos : De las armas a las sociedades | The gravettians of Pyrenees : From Weapons to societes.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
El campamento gravetiense de Ametzagaina (Donostia, País Vasco) : Un avance a su estudio arqueológico = The gravettian camp-sites of Ametzagaina (San Sebastián, Spain) : A first analysis on the site / Jesús Tapia, Alvaro Arrizabalaga, María José Iriarte, Aitor Calvo
by Tapia Sagarna, Jesus, 1973- | Arrizabalaga, Álvaro, 1965- | Iriarte Chiapusso, María José [1962-] | Calvo, Aitor. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: The gravettian camp-sites of Ametzagaina (San Sebastián, Spain) : A first analysis on the site.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
A preliminary description of Solutrean occupations in El Mirón cave (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) = Una descripción preliminar de ocupaciones Solutrenses en la cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria) / Lawrence Guy Straus, Manuel Gonzalez Morales.
by Straus, Lawrence Guy, 1948- | González Morales, Manuel R. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Una descripción preliminar de ocupaciones Solutrenses en la cueva del Mirón (Ramales de la Victoria, Cantabria).Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
La Cueva de Coimbre (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias, España) : su yacimiento arqueológico y su santuario rupestre : Un estado de la cuestion en 2008 = Coimbre Cave (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias, Spain) : Its archaeological Deposit and Rock Art.. / David Alvarez-Alonso, José Yravedra, Alvaro Arrizabalaga, Jesús F. Jorda Pardo, Nemesio Heredia
by Álvarez Alonso, David, 1978- | Yravedra Sainz de los Terreros, José, 1976- | Arrizabalaga, Álvaro, 1965- | Jordá Pardo, Jesús F | Heredia Carballo, Nemesio. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Coimbre Cave (Peñamellera Alta, Asturias, Spain) : Its archaeological Deposit and Rock Art....Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
El final del Mesolítico y los inicios del neolítico en la Península Ibérica : cronología y fases = Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula : chronology and phases / Alfonso Alday Ruiz.
by Alday Ruiz, Alfonso, 1962-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula : chronology and phases.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Explotación de recursos costeros durante el Neolítico en el área de la Reserva de Urdaibai : Los moluscos de la cueva de Kobaederra (Kortezubi, Bizkaia) / GUTIERREZ ZUGASTI, F. Igor Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Tendencias en la investigación de la Cerámica Neolítica en la Región Cantábrica / Cubas Morera, Miriam
by Cubas Morera, Miriam, 1981-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Un infrecuente objeto de madera en el Túmulo Neolítico Monte Areo XII (Carreño, Spain) : estudio arqueológico, anatómico y taxonómico / Miguel Ángel de Blas Cortina, Mª Isabel Gutierrez Villarías, Tomás E. Díaz González.
by Blas Cortina, Miguel Ángel de, 1949- | Gutierrez Villarías, María Isabel | Díaz González, Tomás E. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Nuevas aportaciones al estudio de la transición de la edad del hierro a época romana en Gipuzkoa : El caso de Santiagomendi (Astigarraga) = New contributions to the study of the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period in Gipuzkoa. / Manu Ceberio Rodriguez
by Ceberio Rodriguez, Manu, 1977-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: New contributions to the study of the transition from the Iron Age to the Roman period in Gipuzkoa...Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Estudio preliminar de los restos humanos hallados en la necrópolis principal de Sharuna (Universidad de Tübingen/Museu Egipci de Barcelona, campañas 2006-2008) = Preliminary repport of the anthropological remains from the Necropolis .. / ISIDRO, Albert; GONZÁLEZ, Luis Manuel ;TAULÉ, Mariángela; MORET, Lourdes; GONZÁLEZ, Emma; GALTÉS, Ignasi; JORDANA, Xavier; MALGOSA,Assumpció Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Preliminary repport of the anthropological remains from the Necropolis ....Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Ganadería en la Alta Edad Media : Estudio comparativo de los yacimientos alaveses de Zornoztegi, Zaballa y Salvatierra-Agurain = Animal husbandry in Early Middle Ages : Comparative study of three sites in Álava : Zornoztegi, Zaballa .. / GRAU SOLOGESTOA, Idoia Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Animal husbandry in Early Middle Ages : Comparative study of three sites in Álava : Zornoztegi, Zaballa ....Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Restos humanos del frente del Jarama en el Guerra Civil 1936-1939 = Human remains from the Jarama Front of the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War / Penedo, Eduardo ; Sanguino, Juan ; Etxeberria, Francisco ; Herrasti, Lourdes ; Bandres, Antxon ; Albisu, Claudio
by Penedo, Eduardo | Sanguino, Juan | Etxeberria, Francisco, 1957- | Herrasti Erlogorri, Lourdes, 1958- | Bandres, Antxon, 1948-2011 | Albisu Andrade, Claudio, 1946-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Human remains from the Jarama Front of the 1936-1939 Spanish Civil War.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
La visibilidad arqueológica de un conflicto inconcluso : la exhumación de fosas comunes de la Guerra Civil española a debate = Archaeological visibility of an unconcluded conflict : discussing about exhumation of mass graves .. / MONTERO GUTIÉRREZ, Juan Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Other title: Archaeological visibility of an unconcluded conflict : discussing about exhumation of mass graves ....Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).
Monográfico : Dataciones radiocarbónicas de yacimientos de época histórica : Introducción / Juan Antonio Quiros Castillo.
by Quirós Castillo, Juan Antonio, 1968-. Material type: Continuing resource Publisher: Donostia : Aranzadi Zientzia Elkartea, 2009Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for reference: Munibe (1).