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La Cultura Material Cerámica en la Prehistoria reciente de Galicia : Yacimientos al aire libre / María Pilar prieto Martínez.

by PRIETO MARTINEZ, María Pilar.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Santiago de Compostela : Universidade, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903.4(460.11) PRI] (1).
Questioning the Answers : Re-solving Fundamental Problems of the Early Upper Paleolithic / Edited by Maureen A. Hays, Paul T. Thacker.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Oxford : Archaeopress, 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903"632" QUE] (1).
Open Library:
Bifaces y elefantes : La investigación del Paleolítico Inferior en Madrid.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Alcalá de Henares : Museo Arqueológico Regional, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(460.27)"6322" BIF] (1).
Contributions to the mesolithic of Belgium : early holocene camps & burials in the Meuse Basin of NW Ardennes / Lawrence G. Straus & Marcel Otte.

by Straus, Lawrence Guy, 1948- | Otte, Marcel, 1948-.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [S. l. : S.n.], 2000-2001Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(493)"633" STR] (1).
Litho-economic continuity and change across the middle-upper paleolithic transition in Belgium / Rebecca C. Miller, Lawrence G. Straus.

by Miller, Rebecca, 1962- | Straus, Lawrence Guy, 1948-.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(493)"6325" MIL] (1).
Il Misterio delle nostre origini : la preistoria del Museo "G.A. Sanna" di Sassari : spiegata ai ragazzi / Vanna

by CANALIS, Vanna.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Piedimonte Matese : Società Edictrice Imago, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 069.02:903(450.884) CAN] (1).
La cuisine préhistorique / Alain Bernard ; Dessins de Pajot ; Entretien avec Marylène Patou-Mathis.

by BERNARD, Alain.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Périgueux : FANLAC, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903'16 BER] (1).
Open Library:
Les civilisations postglaciaires : La vie dans la grande forêt tempérée / Michel Barbanza.

by Barbaza, Michel.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Paris : La Maison des Roches, D.L. 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903"627" BAR] (1).
Open Library:
Les Aurignaciens : premiers hommes modernes / Henri Delporte.

by Delporte, Henri, 1920-2022.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Paris : La Maison des Roches, D.L. 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903"632" DEL] (1).
Open Library:
Nociones de Prehistoria general / Jorge Juan Eiroa.

by EIROA, Jorge Juan.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Barcelona : Ariel, 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(035) EIR-2] (2).
Open Library:
Seasonal variations of the Middle-Upper Paleolithic transition at El Castillo, Cueva Morín and El Pendo (Cantabria, Spain) / Anne Pike-Tay, Victoria Cabrera Valdés, Federico Bernaldo de Quirós.

by Pike-Tay, Anne, -2020 | Cabrera Valdés, Victoria, 1951-2004 | Bernaldo de Quirós, Federico.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [S.l.] : Academic Press, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(460.13)"6323" PIK] (1).
El dolmen del Prado de las Cruces (Bernuy-Salñinero, Avila) / J. Francisco Fabián García.

by Fabián García, J. Francisco, 1957-.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [S.l.] : Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura, D.L. 1997Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903.6(460.189) FAB] (1).
Open Library:
Bioarchaeology of the late prehistoric Guale : South End Mound I, St. Catherines Island, Georgia / Clark Spencer Larsen ; With contributions by Andrew Creekmore ... [et al.].


Material type: book Book Publisher: New York : American Museum of Natural History, 2002Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(758) SPE] (1).
A Middle Palaeolithic origin of music? : Using cave-bear bone accumulations to assess the Divje Babe I bone "flute" / Francesco d'Errico ...[et al.].

by ERRICO, Francesco d'.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [S.l.] : [s.n.], 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903:78 MID] (1).
El Hábitat mesolítico en el Cantábrico Occidental : Transformaciones Ambientales y Medio Físico durante el Holoceno Antiguo / Miguel Angel Fano Martínez.

by FANO MARTINEZ, Miguel Angel.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Oxford : British Archaeological Reports, 1998Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(460)"633" FAN] (1).
Open Library:
Préhistoire et archéologie Aujourd'hui / Denise Philibert.

by PHILIBERT, Denise.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Paris : Picard, D.L. 2000Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(44) PHI] (1).
Open Library:
El primer poblamiento de la Región Cantabrica : El paleolítico inferior Cantábrico / Ramon Montes Barquín.

by Montes Barquín, Ramón.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Madrid : Dirección General de Bellas Artes y Bienes Culturales, Subdirección General de Museos Estatales, 2003Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903(460.13)"6325" MON] (1).
Open Library:
Last hunters - First farmers : New perspectives on the prehistoric transition to agriculture / Edited by T. Douglaas Price and Anne Birgitte Gebauer.

Edition: 2nd. ed. --Material type: book Book Publisher: Santa Fe (México) : School of American Research Press, 1996Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903'13 LAS] (1).
Open Library:
La préhistoire dans le monde / Ouvrage collectif dirigé par José Garanger ; avec la collaboration de Jean Chavaillon ... [et al.].

Material type: book Book Publisher: Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, D.L. 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903 PRE] (1).
Open Library:
Die Ganzkörperbestattungen des Magdalénien / Von Birgit Wüller.

by WÜLLER, Birgit.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bonn : Habelt, 1999Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 903.2.01"632" WÜL] (1).
Open Library:
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