Gubik formation of Quaternary age in northern Alaska / by Robert F. Black.
by Black, Robert Foster, 1918-1983. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, --Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 551.79(798) BLA] (1).
Geology of the chandler river region, Alaska / by Robert L. Detterman, Robert S. Bickel and George Gryc.
by Detterman, Robert L | Bickel, Robert S | Gryc, George. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, --Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 55(798) DET] (1).
Geology of the Killik-Etivluk rivers region, Alaska / by Robert M. Chapman, Robert L. Detterman and Marvin D. Mangus.
by Chapman, Robert M | Detterman, Robert L | Marvin D. Mangus, Marvin D. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, --Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 55(798) CHA] (1).
Geology of the Killik-Itkillik region Alaska / by William W. Patton and Irvin L. Tailleur.
by Patton, William W, 1923- | Tailleur, Irvin L. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, --Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 55(798) PAT] (1).
Core tests Simpson area, Alaska / by Florence M. Robinson.
by Robinson, Florence Marie, 1921-. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, --Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 55(798) ROB] (1).
Geologic interpretation of magnetic and gravity data in the Copper river Basin, Alaska / by Gordon E. Andreasen...[et al.]. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1964Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.38(798) GEO] (1).
Middle bajocian ammonites from the cook inlet region Alaska / by Ralph W. Imlay.
by Imlay, Ralph Willard, 1908-1989. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1964Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 564.53(798) IML] (1).
Quaternary geology of the Kenai lowland and glacial history of the Cook Inlet region, Alaska / by Thor N. V. Karlstrom.
by KARLSTROM, Thor N. V. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1964Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 551.79(798) KAR] (1).
Mississippian rugose corals, Peratrovich formation, west coast, prince of wales island, Southeastern Alaska / by Augustus K. Armstrong.
by Armstrong, Augustus K, 1930. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 563.6(798) ARM] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964 at anchorage, Alaska / by Wallace R. Hansen.
by Hansen, Wallace R, 1920-. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) HAN] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964 at whittier ; Alaska / by Reuben Kachadoorian.
by Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1921-1983. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1965Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) KAC] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964 at Valdez, Alaska / by Henry W. Coulter and Ralph R. Migliaccio.
by Coulter, Henry W, 1920-1996 | Migliaccio, Ralph R. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1966Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) COU] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964 on various communities / by George Plafker...[et al.].
by Plafker, George, 1929-. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) EFF] (1).
Erosion and deposition on a beach raised by the 1964 Earthquake montague island, Alaska / by M. J. Kirkby and Anne V. Kirkby.
by KIRKBY, M. J. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) KIR] (1).
Tectonics of the march 27, 1964 Alaska Earthquake / by George Plafker.
by Plafker, George, 1929-. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1969Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) PLA] (1).
Effects of the Alaska Earthquake of march 27, 1964 on shore processes and beach morphology / by Kirk W. Stanley.
by Stanley, Kirk W. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) STA] (1).
Seismic Seiches from the march 1964 Alaska Earthquake / by Arthur Mcgarr and Robert C. Vorhis.
by Mcgarr, Arthur, 1940- | Vorhis, Robert C. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) MCG] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964, on the Alaska Highway system / by Reuben Kachadoorian.
by Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1921-1983. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) KAC] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964, on the Alaska Highway system / by Reuben Kachadoorian.
by Kachadoorian, Reuben, 1921-1983. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1968Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) KAC] (1).
Effects of the Earthquake of march 27, 1964, on the Alaska railroad / by David S. Mcculloch and Manuel G. Bonilla.
by MCCULLOCH, David S. Material type: Book Publisher: Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1970Availability: Items available for loan: Biblioteca Aranzadi [Call number: 550.34(798) MCC] (1).